The story of Legacy Charters begins in Miami Florida 1955. My grandfather, after serving in the US Army during WWII as a doctor, moves to South Florida and begins working at a local Hospital. He buys a boat and begins to fish the waters of Biscayne Bay with his family. In 1965 he meets a man by the name of Dr. Eddie Arnold who invites him over to Marco Island to fish for the elusive fish known as the snook. During that trip My grandfather caught and landed twelve spawning female...
The story of Legacy Charters begins in Miami Florida 1955. My grandfather, after serving in the US Army during WWII as a doctor, moves to South Florida and begins working at a local Hospital. He buys a boat and begins to fish the waters of Biscayne Bay with his family. In 1965 he meets a man by the name of Dr. Eddie Arnold who invites him over to Marco Island to fish for the elusive fish known as the snook. During that trip My grandfather caught and landed twelve spawning female snook weighing over 20lbs. Needless to say from that point on he was hooked!
After 40 years of fishing Marco Island, Goodland, Flamingo, and Everglades National Park he learned the secrets of how to find and catch fish. In 1965, fishing, (snook fishing in particular) became a family tradition. My grandpa’s love for the Everglades and fishing was passed down to my father and both of them passed it down to me. In 2006 my father passed away and I am grateful for every second I got to spend with him.I can remember camping and fishing with him on East Cape when I was 10 years old building sand castles down the beach from 12ft long crocodiles and within feet of waters teeming with bull sharks. It was a wonderful childhood.
In 2014, my grandfather passed away but not before catching two beautiful keeper snook on his last trip with his wife and his daughter. I miss both of them a lot. I find that whenever I revisit the rivers and islands of the Everglades something happens in my soul that reminds me of their presence and the time I spent with them on the water growing up. Determined to continue the fishing legacy passed down to me, I began running my grandfather’s boat and since then have been on the water 3-4 days a week for the last 8 years. In January 2018, I got my Captains License to be able to share my family's love for fishing and help families start their own fishing legacy's. Thus, Legacy Charters was born.